The HE-VA Front Press range gives you the choice between two main models - the popular V-Profile Front Press and Front Pakker.
Sizes range from 1.5m to 6m hydraulic folding models with a range of different ring types to suit different land types. Add a shattaboard to the V-Profile and Front Pakker and you increase consolidation, levelling and cultivation.
The V Profile Front Press is by far the most popular in the HE-VA range suiting all soil types. Its sharp rib cuts clods whilst its 45º V-Profile consolidates even the lightest ground.

Steering System

The HE-VA Front Press gives you...
A long press headstock which becomes an extension of the front of the tractor when attached and hence the press is actually trailed rather than pushed ensuring that it follows the nose of the tractor steering smoothly even at speed.
Heavy Duty Headstock

Front Press Headstocks are designed to take the forces produced when utilising a shattaboard.
The steering rollers self centre the press to prevent it swaying around when lifted to turn on the headland or in transport.
Add the full width Shattaboard and turn the Front Roller into a Shattapress to increase the cultivation action, improve levelling and save time and money preparing the ideal seedbed.
The Shattaboard paddles can work independently or be interlocked with a connecting rod system harnessing their combined strengths to improve levelling while the boards themselves cultivate and consolidate.
The aggressiveness of the Shattaboard is hydraulically adjustable from the tractor seat, with a simple setting scale for the tractor driver to work from.


The V-Profile Front Roller incorporates the pressed steel V-Profile ring developed for the Disc Roller. The rings can turn individually but are linked by a series of lugs that ensure they all drive together and continue to turn in wet and sticky conditions. It is available in a rigid format with working widths of three or four metres or in hydraulic folding four, five or six metre versions.
This ring which ensures optimum consolidation while having a sharp rib to maximise clod crushing. The ring spacing is 125 mm (600mm rings) and 156mm (700mm rings) with a scraper between each ring to give full width consolidation on light and heavy land alike but leaves some loose friable tilth for the drill behind to work with.

The HE-VA Front Roller uses V-Profile rings to give even full width pressing suitable for light to medium/heavy soil types.
Individual spring steel scrapers extend virtually to the hub of the ring ensuring the press keeps turning even in the wet.
Steering System

The HE-VA Front Pakker gives you...
A long press headstock which becomes an extension of the front of the tractor when attached and hence the press is actually trailed rather than pushed ensuring that it follows the nose of the tractor steering smoothly even at speed.
Heavy Duty Headstock

Front Packer Headstocks are designed to take the forces produced when utilising a shattaboard.
The steering rollers self centre the press to prevent it swaying around when lifted to turn on the headland or in transport.
Cuts its way through the clods and consolidates on heavy or light land

Sharp 30 degree Front Pakker rings give an excellent cutting action whilst having the weight to consolidate in front of a powered or passive drill combination. The 150mm to 165mm spacing between rings ensures there is some friable soil left for the drill to work. Whichever size of Pakker ring you chose to suit your land they all employ a unique shoulder design which prevents the rings from sinking in too much on light land and still allows the aggressive 30 degree edge to do its work on heavier ground.

The HE-VA Front Pakker comes in a choice of 3 ring sizes. The option of the heavier 800mm and 900 mm profiled rings, which have relatively low rolling resistance, alongside the more common 700mm diameter means you can chose the correct ring for the weight required rather than have to add weight to smaller rings increasing the horsepower required to work them. Furthermore, the overall weight of the 800 and 900mm rings means better consolidation and more aggressive cultivation for heavy land farms. All Front Pakkers incorporate a cleaning chain between the rings to ensure the ring keeps working in wet sticky conditions.
Shoulder Profile

The HE-VA Pakker ring profile offers superb cutting action with its 30 degree edge whilst at the same time controlling the penetration on lighter land with the shoulder at the base of the cutting edge. This improves consolidation and keeps the ring turning on lighter land without compromising the aggressive action needed for heavier land.

Multi-ring combinations gives you full width action with increased consolidation between the tractor wheels so that when the tractor tyres have pressed the land as well it is left evenly consolidated right across the width, presenting the drill with a more even seedbed and resulting in better crop establishment.